There is light and there is dark. There is life, death, work, search, or rain' and there is love... there is no more.
I dream or think as God allows it, but I create because I must --
simply to exist.
I am not a poet, artist, philosopher, or sculptor because I like it. It is not an escape nor hobby, and I do not believe it is a want, desire, or enjoyment. I create in these fields because I was born to, and I cannot stop.
These endeavors of mine, whether aesthetic or mundane, are the sum of my life. I cannot see the sheerness of beauty, wisdom, or the breath of truth without this being.
In living... everything offers and illusionary mystery to the gifted. This simple id often has an excellence of its own. My belief in this... is the basic key to all development for me.
As a supposed adroiter, I seek only to express the emotional content of what I view; but unfortunately, I still have only a mind and a deeply inspired feeling to reach this goal with. This knowledge and its practice offer a starange and trying existence, too often filled with sensitivity and loneliness.
Thus... my artistic efforts are really only an odd reflection of my lifetime, coupled to the young and the emotional visions I have oft pursued. It was difficult to live two lives... one in service for others so that they might be heard, and as a creative man; but perhaps this human experience one day will show within my poetry and art.
And, in essence....
I am self-taught at everything that I do within expression. It is not because I wish to be, but because it is important that I continue to be... or that I host this asperity. It is often very difficult to teach myself or find this truth, but there is no other way if I am to live within faith.
I am not a charlatan... nor a fool. I am a soul caught up and snared by creativity. I am not always pleased... but as a human being and a man's son, I am true to this axiom. I am also true... to my own entity.
Hence, I create because I must.
I have no other reason.
R. Jeremy Dwyer
Poet Laureate
R. Jeremy Dwyer
Jeremy Dwyer is a third generation Irishman who came to American to serve in the military as a combat medic during times of conflict. These wars include Vietnam, WWII and WWI.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jeremy Dwyer once at the 747 Tavern in Everett, Washington in 1988 while serving as a US Army Recruiter in Lynnwood during my tour of duty 1987~90. Being half Irish we drank like two Irishmen that night.
Jeremy presented me with a copy of his book of poetry titled: PENETRATIONS, A book of Poetry, Essays, Proverbs, Drawings and Meditations.
Inscribed, "This book is dedicated to the few people who believed in me. It was because of their encouragement, sincerity and faith... that I have been able to be..... creative. To the children... to my family, and to the Keyist of Braeloch."
Published & Copyrighted by Cotterstone of San Rafael, California Box 913, 94902 Copyright 1975 Limited First Edition Number. Printed in the U.S.A. by Olde Colony Press, Napa, California.
Published Courtesy;
Philip Atkins
Tacoma, Washington
Copyright 2010 Atkins & Assoc. All rights reserved.
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