January 8, 1935 - August 16, 1977

son of
Vernon Elvis Presley
Gladys Love Presley
father of;
Lisa Marie Presley
He was a precious gift from God
We cherished and loved dearly.
He had a God-given talent that he shared
with the world. and without a doubt.
He became most widely acclaimed:
Capturing the hearts of young and old alike.
He was admired not only as an entertainer.
But as the great humanitarian that he was;
For his generosity, and his kind feelings
for his fellow man.
He revolutioized the field of music and
received its highest awards.
He became a living legend in his own time,
earning the respect and love of millions.
God saw that he needed some rest and
called him home to be with Him.
We miss you, son and daddy. I thank God
that He gave us you as our son.
By; Vernon Presley
Question : Elvis, What was the author of the book you were carrying, when you got
off the train?
Elvis : I had just gotten the book, I don't know, One of the boys gave it to me on
the train, and the title of the book was 'Poems that touch the heart'
Question : Have you had a chance to read it?
Elvis : Yes ma'am, I read a couple of poems in it, I read one in particular
called 'Should you go first', which is a beautiful poem, the author was unknown.
"Should You Go First"
Should you go first and I remain To walk the road alone,
I'll live in memory's garden, dear, With happy days we've known.
In Spring I'll wait for roses red When fades the lilac blue,
In early Fall, when brown leaves call I'll catch a glimpse of you.
Should you go first and I remain For battles to be fought,
Each thing you've touched along the way Will be a hallowed spot.
I'll hear your voice, I'll see your smile, Though blindly I may grope,
The memory of your helping hand Will buoy me on with hope.
Should you go first and I remain To finish with the scroll,
No length'ning shadows shall creep in To make this life seem droll.
We've known so much happiness, We've had our cup of joy,
And memory is one gift of God That death cannot destroy.
Should you go first and I remain, One thing I'd have to do:
Walk slowly down that long, lone path, For soon I'll follow you.
I"ll want to know each step you take That I may walk the same,
For some day down that lonely road You'll hear me call your name.
http://bit.ly/kingelvis {photos}
http://beemp3.com/download.php?file=11915120&song=In+the+ghetto {mp3's}
Copyright 2011 Atkins & Assoc. All rights reserved.
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