Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saving Private Ryan Ending (Hold the bridge)

I'd watched Saving Private Ryan on TV when if first aired about ten years ago and apparently had forgotten the ending.

The last thing I remembered was Tom Hanks getting shot and had basically forgottten everything after that point.

Once you see the clip you'll understand why from all of the horror, action and emotion in this brutal sceen.

I watched the movie again last night for only the second time.

They're many awesome things that happened thoughout this movie thanks to Steven Spielburg.

The reason that I'm writing this blog is due to the fact that I visited Omaha Beach and Normandy, France a couple of years ago. It was the 4th. of July weekend in 2007.

I also visited the American cemetery at Normandy so when you watch the second clip you'll understand the emotion that brought this film full circle in my life.

I don't have any more words, I didn't take any photos at the cemetery and will probably never visit again.

However, it was enough to change my life forever.

I hope that I will always remember and appreciate those incredible sacrifices of our American soldiers.

  • Saving Private Ryan Ending (Hold the bridge) 9.17 min.

  • This is the final part of the film that I had forgotten (Private Ryan) 2.50 min.


    Philip Atkins
    Tacoma, Washington
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